As of December 31, 2022, doctors and biologists must include new mandatory documents in the Shared Medical File (DMP): reports of medical biology examinations, radio-diagnostic examinations, etc.
This is one of the consequences of digital Ségur and the implementation of My Health Space. A decree of April 26, 2022 has just published the list of documents that doctors and medical biologists must include in the Shared Medical File (DMP). These diagnostic and therapeutic elements, listed in article L. 1111-15 of the public health code, are “necessary for the coordination of the care of the person in care”.
New documents to submit
As of December 31, 2022, the following documents must be sent to the patient:
- The report of medical biology examinations;
- The report of radio-diagnostic examinations;
- The prescriptions.
Documents drawn up in the context of a hospital stay are not concerned.
As a reminder, the documents already subject to the obligation of payment to the DMP or sending by secure messaging were:
- Liaison letter for hospitalization, when it is dematerialized;
- Hospital discharge liaison letter;
- Hospital discharge documents;
- The report of the medical biology examinations;
- The medical summary section carried out by the attending physician at least once a year.
On December 31, 2023, you must also attach the operating report, the prescription for a medical biology examination (excluding hospital stay), the request for a radiology examination (excluding hospital stay), the various certificates or statements produced by the doctor as well as letters and letters addressed to a health expert (excluding hospital stays).
The documents will have to follow three paths
Great novelty of this decree, the documents will have to follow three paths from December 31, 2022.
They must therefore be systematically:
- Reported in the patient’s shared medical record when it exists.
- Sent by secure messaging: to the attending physician, to the prescribing physician if applicable, and to any professional whose intervention in the patient’s care is relevant.
- Sent to the patient via the secure “My Health Space” messaging system.
The decree states that “the doctors and biologists concerned, whatever their mode and place of practice, are required to comply with the obligation provided for in the article, which will come into force on the dates specified in the appendix, for each of the documents listed“.