The lifting of the travel ban to Turkey made Saudi Arabians happy! It became the agenda on Twitter

The lifting of the travel ban to Turkey made Saudi

Saudi Arabia’s lifting the travel ban to Turkey due to Kovid-19 became the agenda in the country’s social media. A user named Abdullatif al-Bekan evaluated the decision on the “Good News” tag, saying, “The good news is really, the places to go have increased, flight ticket prices and travel costs in general have decreased.” used the phrase.


Another user named Hanine commented, “Good news, that’s how it goes, I’m so happy.” made its assessment.

Abdurrahman al-Mahrazi, with the label “Direct travel”, his decision was “Taif and Abha, sorry, this summer, the city of lovers Istanbul summer.” interpreted as. With the hashtag “Turkey”, a user named Fehd wrote, “Travel lovers in Turkey, congratulations.” used the phrase. Some users also shared the photos they took during their visit to Turkey.


In addition to Turkey, Saudi Arabia had decided to lift the travel ban to India, Vietnam and Ethiopia.

Saudi Arabia imposed a travel ban to 16 countries, including Turkey, due to the increase in Kovid-19 cases on May 24.

Among the banned countries were Lebanon, Syria, Iran, Afghanistan, India, Yemen, Somalia, Ethiopia, Democratic Republic of Congo, Libya, Indonesia, Vietnam, Armenia, Belarus and Venezuela. (AA)
