As Evil West releases tomorrow (November 22), Xbox Dynasty had the opportunity to speak with the developers of Flying Wild Hog. So they took the opportunity to ask them about the lifespan of the game.”For the main campaign, between 10 and 15 hours of gameplay will be requiredexplained producer Tomek Gop. And that’s not counting the other aspects of the game such as cooperation, New Game +, the four difficulty levels, permadeath and the possibility of replaying missions.“As always, this is only an estimate, so it’s not impossible that players will beat Evil West in much less time, especially since we’re not talking about an open world.
For those who have already forgotten, we remind you that the game allows you to embody Jesse Rentier, a vampire hunter whose Institute has been shattered by blood drinkers. To put the organization back on its feet, he will therefore have to pursue them to the four corners of the Far West, against the backdrop of a dark plot. Evil West is coming to Xbox Series X, Xbox Series S, Xbox One, PS4, PS5, and PC.