The Liberals’ EU top candidate Karin Karlsbro was asked during SVT’s “The Question” on Wednesday.
One of the topics was the environment, and how the party’s position on it seems to differ in Sweden compared to the EU.
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On three different points, the Liberals have voted one way, while the Swedish government, which includes L, has chosen another line.
“The government is not doing enough”
It is about the Nature Restoration Act, which is supposed to increase biological diversity, requirements for energy-efficient households and emissions.
In the latter case, the government has made several decisions that will increase Swedish emissions.
– It is unfortunate when member states and the EU do not reach their goals. All governments must work to achieve the goals, even the EU is not doing enough, the government is not doing enough.
The Liberals have the position of climate minister, yet the government has no plan for how to meet the goals for 2030, which you have helped push through in the EU.
– I assume that the government will continue to work to achieve this goal. The situation regarding the climate issue is acute. We have to work with it even tougher at EU level.
SD cooperation criticized in the EU
It is not only on the climate issue that the party’s position differs between what they do in Sweden and what they do in the EU.
One of the subjects in the hearing concerned the party’s stance towards the Sweden Democrats. Something that has been criticized in the party’s political group in the EU, Renew Europe.
– There is an agreement on how the country of Sweden should be governed. There is a collaboration where they have agreed on a number of points where there are common denominators, says Karin Karlsbro.
Hear SVT’s domestic political commentator Mats Knutson’s analysis of the hearing in the clip below.
Failing support and SD in focus during the hearing. Photo: SVT