The Lessebo case: Confidentiality investigation is closed

There is nothing to indicate that the police or prosecutors disclosed the address of 22-year-old “Sara” who was murdered in Lessebo in May. Prosecutors say so SVT. The preliminary investigation into a breach of the duty of confidentiality is therefore closed.
– We have collected a lot of documents and heard someone about the case, says prosecutor Anders Jakobsson to the channel.

At the beginning of May, a 22-year-old woman was found in labor in a wind shelter in Lessebo. According to information to TV4 Nyheterna, there was a motive of honor behind the murder of the woman, who lived with protected personal information.

After suspicions that police or prosecutors could have disclosed her personal information, an investigation into a suspected breach of confidentiality was launched by the Special Prosecutor’s Chamber. But in July, the investigation was dropped, according to documents that SVT News Småland took part in.

“Nothing to indicate that information has been disclosed”

According to the prosecutor, there is nothing to indicate that the police disclosed the address of the murdered woman, reports the TV channel.

– We have collected a lot of documents and heard someone about the case. Nothing shows that the police or prosecutors have disclosed the information. That is why I have written off the case, says prosecutor Anders Jakobsson.

The woman reported family members to the police for defamation and illegal threats, and subsequently received a letter sent home to her old address in Lessebo.

The letter did not contain any information about the woman’s new address. But the prosecutor still thought it was inappropriate for the family to learn about the report, and started an investigation.

Three arrested for murder

Four days after the murder, three people could be arrested, and then suspects of murder were detained.

The suspects, a man in his 20s and a man and woman in their 40s, should be family members of the murdered woman, according to information given to TV4 Nyheterna.
