The new action MMO Diablo Immortal has its problems with Pay2Win allegations, which became apparent even before the release. But now the first fans reach the endgame and stumble upon the legendary gems and their mechanics, which many call “unfair” and “completely Pay2Win”. We at MeinMMO summarize.
what is the situation Diablo Immortal is less than a week old and already has major problems in its community. Because while the game itself is Free2Play, and while the leveling process involves a grueling grind, you can easily play through the story without spending a penny.
In the endgame of the action MMO, however, things look very different, as many fans are now reporting. Blame it on the Legendary Gems you need to upgrade your gear, tweak your skills, and tweak your build.
These gems come in different levels of rarity and are broken down into a value system within their level. So you really want to have a legendary gem that has 5 out of 5 stars in every part of your equipment if possible.
These level 5 gems can be found in various loot boxes and some are locked behind questionable paywalls. This annoys many fans who describe the system as “unfair”.
In our video you can see all 6 classes of Diablo Immortal in action:
Diablo Immortal: All 6 classes at a glance with gameplay
Getting legendary gems is gambling
How do you get Legendary Gems? You can get the important legendary gems from two different chests, both of which you can get in different ways. You can get them from the rare and legendary gem boxes. However, while you can open the rare chests daily, they are never guaranteed to give you legendary gems. And even then, only with one big problem.
The gems that you get from the rare chests have a maximum of 2 of the 5 stars. So if you want to get hold of a really good gem, you need the legendary boxes. This gives you the game once a month for free. You can get a little more if you have activated the paid Battle Pass, or you can purchase the crates directly for real money.
On Twitter, MauriceWeber42 comments on an experiment by the streamer quinrex, who wants to show how bad the system is:
The precious stones are too expensive for many
Why is this Pay2Win? You need a bit of luck to pull one of the coveted 5-star gems from such a legendary box. The chances of getting such a stone from a legendary box are 0.05% and even a 4-star stone you only get 0.2%.
However, there is a so-called “Pity” system, which promises you a guaranteed 5-star stone as soon as you have opened 50 boxes without success. Currently, 45 crates will cost you around €100. So if you want to have really good equipment, you need a lot of time, enormous luck or even a deep dig into your wallet.
It is important to mention that the legendary gems are essential to improve your skills and significantly improve your equipment. So these aren’t just cosmetic items.
This is particularly annoying for fans because the developers of Diablo Immortal only confirmed four months ago that there should be no Pay2Win factors in item upgrades. Now it can be discussed whether the gems belong directly to the item upgrade, but the community is annoyed by it.
“I usually stop playing a game with a paywall like this”
What is the community saying? She’s not excited at the moment. Many players and threads on reddit are upset about the various monetization options in Diablo Immortal. However, the legendary gems are central to the various discussions. The players get upset about the high prices as well as the fact that 5-star stones are absolutely unfair for non-paying fans to achieve.
Especially the low chances of getting the rare stones annoy many. Some believe that if the odds of getting the 5-star bricks were higher or guaranteed sooner than is currently the case, both the concept and the prices would still be justifiable. In any case, the mood of the community is not very positive at the moment.
What the fans say: We would like to give you some opinions here. They come from various reddit threads on the topic (via reddit).
What do you think of the Legendary Gems in Diablo Immortal? Have you already reached your limit and are you also upset about such mechanics? Or are you still in the level phase and haven’t invested any money in the game yet? Write it to us in the comments here at MeinMMO.
Level up fast in Diablo Immortal – Tips for level 1 to max level 60