the left united against the immigration law, without Mélenchon

the left united against the immigration law without Melenchon

A few days before the start of the examination of the immigration bill in the National Assembly, the PS invited, this Thursday, December 7, the left to a meeting against the text of the Minister of the Interior but without Jean Luc Mélenchon and his relatives. At a time when Nupes has been shattered, are we witnessing the laying of the first stone of a new alliance without the rebellious leader and with the immigration text as a backdrop?

2 mins

With our special correspondent in Saint-Ouen, Charlotte Urien-Tomaka

Socialists, ecologists, communists and two rebels on the same platform, here is the poster for this meeting. For Joachim, a socialist activist, this is very positive: “ Today, I think it also feels good to have all the political forces of the left gathered at a meeting. »

A ” united left »

Immigration, a subject that allows the left to appear united. For Olivier Faure, the first secretary of the PS, “ this evening you had before you a left which shares common struggles “. An Act II of Nupes launched this evening? For Yannick Jadot, environmentalist senator, it’s no, but we need a new union of the left: “ What 2022 was like and Nupes we know that it must evolve; it cannot be a union of the left under the influence of one person. »

Two irreconcilable lefts, “ a madness »

Clémentine Autain, LFI deputy dismissed by the leadership of the movement, calls for remaining focused against the text of the Minister of the Interior but also wants the left to overcome divisions: “ I do not accept the idea that we would rebuild two irreconcilable lefts. I think that, in today’s political framework, it’s madness, it’s madness “. In the meantime, the staff of La France insoumise (LFI) had very little appreciation of being left on the sidelines.

Also listenJean-Luc Mélenchon’s strategy: “What he sees is that he can unite anger”
