The Left Party: Abolish the retirement age

The Left Party Abolish the retirement age

Published: Less than 10 min ago

full screen The pandemic has shown that it is not possible to keep the grace period, or the grace period, for those who get sick, according to left-wing leader Nooshi Dadgostar, who is going to the polls to abolish it completely. Photo: Fredrik Sandberg/TT

The left-wing party wants to raise the ceilings in health and parental insurance and abolish the retirement age.

The grace period alone adds up to over five billion per year in increased costs for the state.

– Karensdagen is unfair, says party leader Nooshi Dadgostar about an election promise that V places high importance on.

The other day, the Social Democrats said that they want to change the grace period deduction, as the grace period is also called. The deduction means that the person who falls ill does not receive sick pay for the first day.

S justifies the desire to redo the deduction, but not remove it, with the fact that some can work from home when they are a bit crass and don’t have to take sick leave. Teachers, police officers, health workers or store employees cannot do that.

Do not keep

– What I have been able to deduce from the government’s announcement is that they do not want to abolish the grace period. It is not something we stand for, it is unfair and it means that many who get sick go to work and spread the infection further, says Nooshi Dadgostar to TT.

– After the pandemic, we can’t imagine going ahead with having the cut-off date, she adds.

According to Dadgostar, which refers to figures from the Riksdag’s investigation service, it would cost 5.2 billion per year to remove the waiting period and provide sick pay from day one. She emphasizes that the companies should avoid that cost – V wants the state to pay.

In total, the party wants to see strengthening of health insurance in terms of the individual’s possibilities for compensation of over 9.2 billion next year. That expenditure will grow to 10.1 billion in 2026, according to V.

Rut pay

How it is to be paid, V intends to tell about later. But the party has said that it sees a need to raise taxes by 50 billion next year to pay for investments in welfare. Reducing the deductions for household services or renovations, so-called root and root deductions, has also been mentioned.

The goal is that 80 percent of those who work and become ill or have parental leave should be able to receive the equivalent of 80 percent of their salary in compensation.

And those who have sickness benefit, what was previously called early retirement, should also be able to receive 80 percent of what is called assumed income, that is, what they are deemed to have been able to earn if they had been able to work. That would mean several thousand more kroner a month for those concerned, claims V.


V proposal for health insurance

Cancel the grace period (career day) in the event of illness

Raise the ceilings in social insurance so that eight out of ten can receive 80 percent in compensation in case of illness, parental leave or unemployment benefits.

Increase the sick pay to 80 percent after one year, today it is reduced when the sick leave calculated in compensation days has reached that point.

Increase the compensation level in sickness and activity compensation.

Source: The Left Party

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