the left is trying to organize itself for the legislative elections

the left is trying to organize itself for the legislative

The day after the European elections and the announcement of the dissolution of the National Assembly by President Emmanuel Macron, the various left-wing parties are trying to put themselves in battle order, even though they were until now divided. La France insoumise (LFI) is proposing a meeting this Monday for “Nupes political groups”. The objective is clear: to block the far right during the legislative elections which will be held on June 30 and July 7.

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Tonight’s punishment [dimanche 9 juin, NDLR] is so heavy that Macron had no choice but to return to the polls », jeered Olivier Faure following the dissolution of the National Assembly by the French president. The first secretary of the Socialist Party (PS) also called for “ the formation of a popular front against the extreme right » to the early legislative elections of June 30, taking up the proposal launched the day before by the rebellious deputy François Ruffin.

The far right is no longer simply at the gates of power (but) has got its foot in the door ” After his big victory in the Europeans this Sunday, June 9estimated Olivier Faure on Franceinfo, judging that with less than 15% of the votes “ macronia is beyond any capacity to block » and that therefore “ only the left remains “.

We [le PS] We will be ready to present candidates in each constituency who will represent an alternative to the arrival of the far right to power in three weeks in our country. We will do everything to prevent this, hammered PS MEP Chloé Ridel, in the RFI studio this Monday morning. We are right now building the foundations of a left-wing alternative of hope, of a gathering of left-wing forces and environmentalists on the basis of a clear and renewed project in the light of the European elections which took place last night. »

” Popular Front “

In a press release published on June 10, the far-left party La France insoumise did not fail to denounce the “ heavy responsibility of Raphaël Glucksmann and the Socialist Party ” Who ” turned their backs on the Nupes “. Before calling for a rally, like the head of the list of La France insoumise, Manon Aubry: “ I call on the mobilization of youth, residents of working-class neighborhoods, and all those who have suffered from the government’s anti-social policy. »

I appeal to the leaders of the left parties so that we can now be united and stop the bullshitinveighed the LFI deputy François Ruffin. It’s been enough of insulting each other “, he pleaded, calling for a “ popular Front », a reference to the coalition which allowed the left to win in 1936.

Same story with Marie Toussaint, head of the Ecologist list: “ Dissolution? We want unity. Simple. Basic. », she tweeted during a rally at Place de la République in Paris this Sunday evening. The boss of the Ecologists, Marine Tondelier called “ all progressive party leaders to meet ” and “ the situation is too serious to waste hours tearing each other apart “.

Read alsoEuropean elections: Parliament’s turn to the right confirmed
