The league against cancer challenges the presidential candidates

The league against cancer challenges the presidential candidates

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    The international week against cancer, which takes place from March 14 to 20, is an opportunity for the association to highlight the importance of the commitment of politicians and presidential candidates. Indeed, the Covid-19 epidemic has had a negative impact on the care of cancer patients.

    “Nearly 100,000 cancers have not been diagnosed”

    The League Against Cancer is the leading funder of knowledge research on cancer. This association also supports sick people and their families to help them cope with the disease. In concrete terms, the League Against Cancer promotes organized screening actions, thanks to around a hundred departmental committees spread across the whole of France.

    However, it is clear that despite the ever-increasing mobilization of the volunteer community, “Cancer is still the leading cause of death in men and the second in women.. Moreover, the Association needs the support of the government more than ever and that is why it calls on the presidential candidates today. Indeed, according to Daniel Nizri, the volunteer President of the League Against Cancer, the number of participation in screening campaigns decreased in 202, which could potentially lead to “more deadly cancers in the years to come”.

    The Covid-19 epidemic has had consequences not only on screening, but also on the medical care of cancer patients. Indeed, since the earlier a cancer is diagnosed, the higher the chances of recovery. Cancer represents a public health issue and it has become imperative that government institutions support the actions of the Association. This is why, in a press release dated March 9, the group “urges presidential candidates to commit to his proposals”.

    Consult an oncologist online

    What commitments does the League want the candidates to commit to?

    The League Against Cancer wishes to make the fight against the disease a common cause, Our Cause. This is why it proposes 10 courses of action, to which the various applicants for the post of President of the Republic respond favorably or not:

    Screening for all, your commitment to our health

    Reinforce screening and awareness campaigns for everyone.

    2030: let’s get rid of tobacco

    Implement more concrete actions to fight against smoking, such as banning smoking near schools or continuing to increase the price of tobacco.

    Accompany and support the whole person

    Ensure equitable access to a multidisciplinary care team and provide comprehensive information.

    Supporting all caregivers is crucial for sick people

    Allow those around you to take time off to help the patient’s loved one.

    When we fund it, research advances

    Revalorize the profession of scientific researcher and provide massive financial support for research.

    Medocs, let’s impose stocks

    Increase inventory volumes so as not to experience drug shortages.

    Access to quality palliative care, a matter of dignity

    Expand the offer of palliative care.

    Making the right to be forgotten, the right to come true

    No longer see illness as an obstacle to future plans.

    Stop mistaking air pollution for wind

    Conduct a better policy to combat air pollution.

    Alcohol everywhere, health nowhere

    Develop a program to combat alcohol in the same way as for tobacco.

    To discover all of the League’s demands, go to: our
