The leader of the PYD: Turkey relies on blackmail

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Salih Muslim seeks refuge at a US military base in northeastern Syria. For security reasons, SVT may not film the base.

– It is drones that control everything, and grenade shelling takes place daily. We must stay safe, he says to SVT’s Middle East correspondent Samir Abu Eid.

According to Turkey, the Kurdish party PYD is a sister party to the terrorist-branded PKK (Kurdish Workers’ Party). Now the country wants Sweden to break contact with the PYD and their armed branch YPG – otherwise Sweden will not be allowed into NATO.

– Sweden would never agree to that, because we are not a terrorist organization. Turkey has always relied on blackmailing Europe. Everyone probably knows how they handled the refugee problem. Through blackmail, they always hope to get some benefits, says Muslim.

On Tuesday, the Turkish government presented a list of requirements for approving Sweden’s NATO membership. It mentions, among other things, that Turkey since 2017 has requested that Sweden extradite people connected to the PKK / PYD and Gülen movements without receiving any positive response from Sweden.

Turkey also writes that Sweden has provided the PKK / PYD with both weapons and money.
