The leader of Los Suecos is to be extradited – by Sunday at the latest

The leader of Los Suecos is to be extradited

Published 2023-06-27 23:09

Two brutal contract murders – both on the open street in the Marbella area in Spain – were carried out by the Malmö gang. The leader “The Boxer” was sentenced to five years in prison.

A sentence he served during the detention period. But when he was released, he was arrested.

Now a judge in Spain has decided that he should be extradited by Sunday at the latest.

– The condition for extradition is that he serves his sentence in Denmark, writes the judge in the decision, reports Spanish El Independiente.

It was a Saturday afternoon in May 2018. Families had gathered in the church to celebrate one of the most important Catholic feasts – la primera comunión – when children receive their first communion.

The celebration came to a brutal end. As people were leaving the church, a person on a motorcycle drove up to a 36-year-old man who was just getting into his car.

The man was shot several times and died. In front of his wife, son and churchgoers.

– That they waited until the day of his son’s first communion… it was a very brutal act, an elderly man in the area told Aftonbladet about the act.

It was the beginning of a bloody summer – with a series of bombings and another murder. And behind it all was a Swedish gang, dubbed Los Suecos by the Spanish media.

The bombing led to over 100 years in prison for parts of Los Suecos. Expectations for the verdict against the leader and other defendants for the murders were high.

full screen Photo: Paul White / AP

The plea brought greatly shortened sentences

But the fact that the confession from the gang led to such greatly shortened sentences caused the Swedish police to act quickly.

– It is positive that they were convicted in that case. After all, we had hopes and expectations of slightly longer prison sentences. And especially since the Boxer, as the leader is called, has received very low sentences, said the head of serious crimes in Malmö Peter Andersson.

The police’s efforts thus yielded results in the form of an arrest in custody in May.

– Extradition proceedings are underway down in Spain. I don’t have any detailed information on what date a disclosure will take place, but the process is ongoing, prosecutor Lisa Åberg told Aftonbladet at the time.

There is now a clear deadline.

But the Boxer’s lawyer is working intensively to have the extradition postponed.

The suspicions this time concern two serious drug crimes and one particularly serious drug crime. Swedish police do not want to go into more detail about the suspects.

– The value of the penalty is higher than what he was sentenced to in Spain. It can certainly be around ten years in total for the crimes, says the Police’s Peter Andersson.

full screen The church where that murder happened. San Pedro de Alcántara. Photo: Cecilia Vaccari
