The lawn will be more beautiful and greener by placing this cupboard product now, the trick costs only a few cents

The lawn will be more beautiful and greener by placing

Spring is the perfect time to bring your lawn back to life after a long winter. Discover an amazing and economical tip used by gardeners to have a greener and more supplied lawn.

The sunny days finally come back, the sun is coming to an end and it’s time to enjoy the garden … Problem, your lawn is also slowly leaving its winter torpor and it needs a little spring care to regenerate. Yes, it is the ideal time to give her the care she needs to regain her vigor and her beautiful green color. Good news, no need to spend fortunes in expensive products, a few simple and inexpensive gestures can make all the difference!

Before tackling the first mowing of the lawn, you can already fertilize it to bring it nutrients. Rather than buying industrial fertilizers, turn to a natural and economical solution used by experienced gardeners. In terms of lawn, British gardeners are experts and know how to use a product they know well: tea sachets!

Rich in essential nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, tea leaves are a very effective natural fertilizer. They improve the structure and water retention of the soil, thus creating optimal growth conditions for your lawn. For around 45 cents, the price of a box of tea bags, you will get the same profits as with an expensive fertilizer. You can even use tea bags already used!

If your lawn has brown areas to repair, these experts from across the Channel advise to cover these plates with used tea sachets and to plant new lawn seeds. The tea nutrients will infiltrate the earth, allowing the grass to grow more green and in better health.

The icing on the cake, tea sachets, especially those of black tea, have an inhibitory power on the proliferation of weeds. This is an additional natural solution to get rid of these unwanted people who invade lawns and flowerbeds. This easy and cheap little gesture, without using chemicals will be your best ally to get a lawn worthy of the most beautiful golf greens or football lawns from spring.
