The launch of the National Council for Refoundation largely shunned by the opposition

The launch of the National Council for Refoundation largely shunned

They will be around fifty around Emmanuel Macron, Thursday, September 8, in Marcoussis, near Paris, to launch the National Council for Refoundation. The living forces of the country – unions, associations, elected officials – are invited to think about the projects to come: employment, school, health, aging well, the environment and sovereignty. But there will be major absentees: the opposition parties will not participate.

A frank, direct, interactive and unfiltered dialogue. “The entourage of Emmanuel Macron dug into the dictionary of synonyms to praise the formula of this National Refoundation Council where the Head of State will even share his meal with the participants, welcomes an adviser. The president wants to make it the symbol of his ” new method promised during the presidential campaign. ” The French are tired of top-down reforms “, he explained on June 3, announcing the CNR, a nod to the National Council of the Resistance which coordinated the movements of the Resistance during the Second World War.

► To read also: France: the National Council for Refoundation, in difficulty even before being launched

The CNR aims to “ to build », « in a spirit of dialogue and shared responsibilities », « consensus on the country’s situation” and “designing concrete solutions to the concerns of our fellow citizens “, details the Head of State in the letter of invitation to the event on Thursday.

Thematic workshops

Eight and a half hours of discussions within the walls of the training center of the French rugby team, just to spin the comparison with the oval. It’s time for the collective, trumpets the Elysée, forgetting a little quickly that the main opponents of Emmanuel Macron, from the CGT to the RN via the Nupes, are boycotting the meeting.

After this launch day, thematic workshops will be organized in the coming weeks at the local level. And it is François Bayrou, already High Commissioner for Planning and close to Emmanuel Macron, who will be responsible for monitoring.

The ” democratic renewal promised by the French president go as far as the organization of referendums? The Élysée remains vague, scalded by the Citizen’s Climate Convention which ended badly. Emmanuel Macron is trying again with this sort of Great Debate – launched in early 2019, his aim was to get out of the “yellow vests” crisis – new version.
