The latest ideas from social media giants to improve user well-being

The latest ideas from social media giants to improve user

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    Social networks are doubling their inventiveness to improve the experience of their users and, at the same time, restore their image. Meta and TikTok have unveiled new tools to help Internet users to better evolve on social networks, in full knowledge of the facts.

    Since the Covid-19 pandemic, screen time has only increased. A consequence that has exacerbated the malaise, especially among the youngest. TikTok, widely acclaimed by the younger generation, has decided to give its users keys to better manage and understand their online presence. A way to empower Internet users.

    Make users aware of their screen time

    From June 27, TikTok will set up a dashboard, bringing together a lot of data on the activity of each user on the platform: the daily time of use, the number of openings of the application over a day, as well as the distribution of time spent day and night. Valuable data that allows you to better understand your behavior on the social network.

    Users can also set the time spent on the app per session. A way to set limits each time you launch the application. Users can already choose a time limit for use per day. “Concretely, messages will appear on their screen inviting them to take a break after a certain time of uninterrupted use of the application, which they will have defined beforehand”said TikTok.

    But the Chinese social network goes even further. Starting in July, users aged 13 to 17 who have spent more than 100 minutes on the app in a single day will receive weekly messages explaining the screen time limiting tools available directly on TikTok. A new guide will also be available on the social network’s security center to encourage “users to think more holistically about how they spend their time online – whether on TikTok or elsewhere – and how they feel”said the Chinese giant in its press release.

    To develop these new tools, TikTok relied on a study conducted in partnership with the Internet Matters association, among parents and adolescents in France, Germany, Italy, United Kingdom and Ireland. Results ? “Self-regulation”, or the ability to manage one’s own behavior on social networks, is acclaimed by the younger generation who wish to adopt “healthy digital habits”. The latter also underlined the importance of a certain flexibility concerning the limitation of screen time according to the days: the day before an exam, a rainy afternoon…

    “The study shows that young users would welcome the introduction of features and tools that would encourage them to think critically about the time they spend online. It is important that they feel in control of their experiences online and that they are helped to make informed choices”said Carolyn Bunting, CEO of Internet Matters.

    A series to teach the Internet to children

    To empower its users, the Meta group has launched a series dedicated this time directly to children. Available on Messenger Kids, the “child” version of Facebook messaging, the series, called “Pledge Planets“, consists of four episodes. Users will explore four planets to learn more about the behavior to adopt on the internet. Kindness, patience, respect or safety: the themes will be addressed through interactive games and explanatory videos.

    Content to directly engage users and confront them with the issues encountered on social networks.
