The latest dangerous TikTok trick for health: SPF contouring

The latest dangerous TikTok trick for health SPF contouring

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    Here is yet another unhealthy TikTok tip: SPF contouring. Also called sunscreen contouring, this trick consists of replacing your highlighter with sunscreen on certain areas of the face. A technique that is not without risk.

    Who says summer vacation, says (necessarily) sun protection. At the time of the first departures, creams, oils, milks, and other sprays intended to protect the skin from the harmful effects of UV rays appear as the new stars of social networks. And like every year at the same time, the technique of ‘SPF contouring’ also resurfaces, to the chagrin of health professionals. On TikTok, videos featuring it can reach up to several million views, testifying to the interest of users for a method which can however be harmful to the skin.

    Almost natural contouring

    ‘SPF contouring’, or ‘sunscreen contouring’, consists of creating areas of tan on the face to sculpt it and give it radiance without having to use make-up, and more particularly sun powder and highlighter. . More concretely, it is a question of using sun protection with a sun protection factor (SPF) of 30, or even less (if it is nothing) on ​​the areas of the face that one wishes to tan – and on which we usually apply a bronzer – and higher protection on the areas that are supposed to be more luminous – on which we apply a highlighter. The objective is quite clear: to obtain these contrasts in a ‘natural’ way thanks to the sun.

    Even beyond the hashtags that identify them, these videos are recognizable among all, since they feature faces exposed to the sun with large white traces of cream. Something that everyone usually flees throughout the summer with much less visible textures (but just as effective). This is the case of the user Eli Whitrowone of the first to have adopted the technique, whose video has already been viewed more than 13 million times, and has accumulated hundreds of glowing comments.

    Effortlessly sculpted abs

    Initially intended for the face, the technique was hijacked by some users of the Chinese social network who adopted it – and adapted it – to bring out… their abs. The method remains the same. It’s about juggling between different protection indices to create contrasts, in order to highlight the coveted ‘six-packs’. It only remains to hope that the ‘SPF contouring’ will not be experimented on other areas of the face and body.

    Criticized by several health professionals, and even more so by dermatologists, the technique can cause problems if users do not apply any protection, or protection that is not adapted to the conditions of sunshine and their needs, on their skin. In any case, it is important to follow the health recommendations in terms of sun protection to the letter to enjoy a risk-free holiday. In France, more than 80% of skin cancers are linked to excessive sun exposure, according to health authorities, showing the importance of protecting yourself
