PHOTO: Bildbyrån
Börje Salming was 71 years old.
Now it is revealed how much money the hockey icon leaves behind.
An inheritance to be divided between the widow Pia Salming and the four children.
It has been a year since it became public that Börje Salming affected by the incurable disease ALS. After that, the course of the illness progressed much too quickly and by the time autumn came, the hockey icon’s health had deteriorated drastically.
Börje’s passing
The other day the daughter opened Bianca Salming up about how difficult the last time was in his emotional summer talk. She herself received the ALS message from her father in a parking lot.
– We cried, even though we didn’t know how damn disgusting everything would be, she said in “Summer in P1”.
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On November 24, 2022, the body gave up and Börje fell asleep, surrounded by his loved ones in the hospital. One of Swedish hockey’s all-time greats turned 71 years old.
READ MORE: Bianca Salming’s harsh criticism of Swedish healthcare – strong words about father Börje’s last days: “It’s terrible”
Salming’s legacy
More than six months later, the legacy of the sports legend is now to be distributed. SportExpressen reports that Salming had assets of almost SEK 19 million, divided into housing and own companies.
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If you then factor in loans and debts, the sum of his assets totals to just over SEK 14 million, and the assets are to be divided among the widow Pia Salming and the children Anders, Teresa, Rasmus and Bianca. Börje Salming has bequeathed the shared residence in Nacka, which is worth SEK 16 million, to wife Pia.
READ MORE: Bianca Salming’s beautiful words straight from the heart – after the great love of the Swedish people: “Deeply touched”
Donate prizes
All other estate will be divided between his four children, according to the evening newspaper’s information. The only exception is all the medals and trophies he has collected over the years, they will be donated to a selected museum.
Salming’s assets include shares, his own company Kingsal Sweden AB and he was also a co-borrower for the children’s condominiums. But more specifically, how the funds will be distributed between the children is still unclear.