The Last of Us series might be the best game-centric content ever made

The Last of Us series might be the best game centric

PlayStation one of the most important and popular productions of the game world. The Last of Us There is very little left for the series based on the series.

Unfortunately, he could not come to Turkey officially. HBO prepared by The Last of Us The series is made as we mentioned in the title. Might be the best game-centric content. Rotten Tomatoes on The series, which has reached 98 percent likes, can of course see the percentage change after it is published, but for now, it leaves all game-based content behind. Last week, the first concrete comments for the series came. For the highly anticipated series In the first comments made, it was revealed that a very good content awaits us. The members of the press, who had the chance to watch the content early, got more than what they saw. he was satisfied. Commented content that will satisfy those who play the games and convey the story of the series to a wide audience, It does not follow a different scenario line from the game, but carries changes in the transfer.

According to the first comments, the series, which is stated to be very good in terms of environmental details and atmosphere with the effect of the high budget, It has very good cinematography and music.. Nathan Ingraham, one of the first to share his views on content, “It’s so much more than I had hoped for, and I’m so excited that people who haven’t played the video game will have the chance to experience the story of Joel and Ellie through this excellent series.” your comment had done.


Directly in Turkey for those who missed the series BluTV will be published by Content that will have a new episode every week, January 16 in Turkey will be traceable. of the directory on BluTV It was well received when it was revealed last week. Because BluTV in Turkey Hepsiburada Premium monthly only through service 9.90 TLYou can reach .

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