The Last of Us Part I: successful remake or scam? The press tests

The Last of Us Part I successful remake or scam

The Last of Us part I invites us to dive back into the first The Last of Us on Playstation 5 in a version completely rebuilt for the occasion. And the press seems conquered. We will explain everything to you.

[Mis à jour le 1er septembre 2022 à 10h50] Sony and Naughty Dog are offering us a new remake this fall with the arrival of The Last of Us Part I. Updated graphics, refilmed facial animations and performances, more modern gameplay… Here are the promises of this new release which invites us to rediscover one of the masterpieces of the last ten years. But there are still some questions, especially as to the relevance of such a creation, and as to its price in particular. Various questions that have been taken into account by the specialized press, which was happy to note this umpteenth creation from Sony, for our greatest pleasure. We will explain everything to you.

With a note that reaches without flinching the 88/100 on Metacritic (for 64 tests), as much to tell you that The Last of Us Part 1 is high on the list of the best games of the year. The new recreation of Naughty Dog seems to be widely convincing, in France and across the Atlantic, thanks to its impeccable technique which sublimates an already grandiose original material. This is the opinion of our colleagues from game blogwho attribute to him without flinching 10/10 : No matter how one places oneself in the debate, The Last of Us Part 1 is a real punch. Exceptional technical performance, remarkable overhaul of old-fashioned and even wobbly gameplay, sublimated atmosphere, even more poignant cutscenes and more realistic environments than ever, this remake offers us a game that is more striking and visceral than ever.”

On the side of gamekultquestions about the relevance and price of such a remake remain, but are counterbalanced by the accuracy of the game. And add to that the fact that The Last of Us first of the name remains on another planet compared to its successor, you will get a score of 8/10 : “No, this remake was not essential. No, it doesn’t deserve an investment of €80, especially not from someone who already knows the game by heart. Nevertheless, it is a remake which, within the limits of what it claims to be, knows perfectly well what it can bring that is significant to its own experience, and does so with remarkable skill.

As for our English-speaking colleagues, the wonder remains the same, IGNwe offer him 9/10 : “A beautifully mastered remake of one of the mainstays of the Playstation pantheon, The Last of Us Part I is the best way to play or replay Naughty Dog’s classic survival game. The striking upgrades it offers to its completely rebuilt world are complemented by the subtle refinement of its actors’ performances, and while it’s equipped with the positive upgrades brought by its sequel (The Last of Us 2), the movement enhancements and AI make a welcome difference to an already amazing game.

We told you a little earlier, it is at the start of the 2022 school year that Naughty Dog intends to plunge us back into the crumbling and sinister world of The Last of Us. More precisely, the September 2 at 00:00directly on PlayStation 5. This exclusivity will be an opportunity for us to find a young Joel more real than life, and to rediscover the foundations of the universe of the famous Playstation franchise. It remains to be seen whether this umpteenth remake will have the necessary qualities to encourage a community of players relatively tired of re-releases. We are obviously crossing our fingers.

The Last of Us part I is, for now, a Playstation 5 exclusive. The game is therefore not available on Steam, or on any other platform on PC. Note the “for now”, because you should know that Sony’s policy on its exclusives has changed. It is now a question of releasing them also on PC, as shown by Horizon Zero Dawn and God of War, two big Sony exclusives which appeared on Steam, more or less two years after their release on Playstation consoles. It could therefore be that we can find The Last of Us Part I on PC and on Steam in a few months.

Of course, you can take advantage of the pre-order bonuses if you order the game before its release. It’s the norm now. You will find in said bonuses: stimulants to facilitate your start in the game, and bonus weapon parts to progress in your arsenal.

Long-awaited it was not really if we take into account the release in 2014 of the first remaster of The Last of Us for Playstation 4. But its trailer had the gift of sweeping away our doubts. The Last of Us Part I will be released on September 2 on Playstation 5, and will allow us to relive the excellent plot of the first part of one of the most important Playstation exclusive franchises. On the menu, we find a brand new graphics engine, new facial animations, ray-tracing and everything that the technical capabilities of the Playstation 5 can bring. A project that fits well into the remakes / remasters era that the video game industry, an era that we still hope to see pass fairly quickly. We leave you with the Naughty Dog teams for this 10-minute presentation:

As for the technical elements of this remake, we can clearly see Naughty Dog’s intention to transcribe The Last of Us part 1 with the graphic assets of The Last of Us 2. Concretely, the graphics engine of this remake corresponds to that of The Last of Us 2, allowing to animate the characters more precisely, in their movements and in their emotions. You will also find in this remake the possibility of taking advantage of Ray-Tracing and DLSS, for superior image quality (4K) and a framerate of 60 frames per second on a constant basis.
