The Last of Us has a Pedro Pascal problem – and 3 other zombie series issues

The Last of Us has a Pedro Pascal problem

The first season of The Last of Us is over and has received rave reviews. But is the video game adaptation really that good? In the new episode of the Moviepilot podcast Streamgegeför, editor-in-chief Lisa Ludwig and I talk about central aspects of the mushroom zombie series on which our opinions differ.

In the first part of the podcast there is a spoiler-free assessment of the first season. After that, we delve deeper into the series, which Lisa, as a game connoisseur, really liked while I was unimpressed.

Listen to The Last of Us season 1 episode here:

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  • 00:03:35 – Spoiler-free opinion on the first season
  • 00:08:31 – Spoiler discussion
  • Does The Last of Us have a Pedro Pascal issue?

    One of our bones of contention: How many more times can Pedro Pascal play a morally shady father figure? After all, he has already taken on this role in one way or another in the science fiction film Prospect and the Star Wars series The Mandalorian. Second, we discuss whether the world building in the series was really successful or we just have a hackneyed dystopia in front of uswhich has been better examined in other works.

    Third, we examine the series’ storytelling, which relies on introducing characters only to kill them right away. Is The Last of Us more than emotional torture porn? Finally, we come to the Season 1 finale, which was previously advertised as controversial.

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