The last message of the Russian soldier shook! ‘It’s so hard mom’

The last message of the Russian soldier shook Its so

The Russia-Ukraine war has entered the first week. Remarkable details about what happened in the war also emerge. The last words of a Russian soldier give important clues about the psychology of the war.

Ukraine’s Representative to the United Nations (UN) Sergiy Kyslytsya read the last messages the Russian soldier sent to his mother before he died at the UN’s extraordinary session. The text of the message sent to the mother of the Russian soldier is extremely shocking in terms of giving details about the invasion of the Russian forces.

In a message to his mother, the Russian soldier stated that he was in Ukraine and said, “There is a fierce war here. I am afraid. We are bombing whole cities, even targeting civilians.”

The soldier’s message continues with these words:

“We were told we would be welcome, but they fall in front of our armored cars, they jump under the wheels and they won’t let us pass. They call us ‘fascists’. That’s tough mom.”

It is said that the Russian soldier replied in this way when he asked his mother if he wanted her to send him a parcel.
