The Labor Party comes to power – there is no money, but even more hope | News in brief

Brits may wipe major party off map economic crisis

Door-to-door polling shows that the British have placed their hopes for change in the Labor Party, writes ‘s London correspondent Kirsi Crowley.

ANALYSIS The Labor Party’s vote in the door-to-door poll is not surprising, but the information certainly made many Britons emotional. The party would get 410 seats in the 650-member parliament. This is a historic result, a real record.

This election has gone deep into the emotions of the British people. The conservatives who ruled for 14 years managed to collapse their popularity into the bottom mud.

First, during the covid period, by celebrating, when the people were ordered to isolate themselves in their homes. On top of that came the energy crisis, the rise in the price of food and housing, and the dilapidated condition of the British treasure, public health care.

You can’t forget the short-term prime minister Liz Trussiawhich collapsed the economy at a rapid pace.

The door-to-door survey is only a forecast, albeit a reliable one. So you have to wait until the morning for the final results. Still, during the campaign, it has not been about whether the Labor Party will win the election, but about how massive its number of votes is.

The Labor Party has not confirmed where it will find the money to fix Britain, but the British have placed their hopes in the party.
