The Koran burner earns thousands of kroner on Tiktok

Today he was at it again, Salwan Momika, and broadcast live on Tiktok when he burned a Koran in Stockholm. In the next three weeks, he has applied for around ten Koran burnings in several places in Sweden.

– It is clear that he is trying to maximize his reach and commitment in various ways. That is, for example, income he has from these broadcasts, says internet analyst Mattias Beijmo.

Mattias Beijmo has watched several live broadcasts that Salwan Momika has done on Tiktok and notes that there have been many gifts, so-called Diamonds, which can be exchanged for money. Momika has told TT herself that it is about SEK 1,000 to 3,000 per live broadcast.

Top of the diamond list

He has also been high on Tikok’s weekly list of those who have received the most diamonds, i.e. money.

– When you added up that money, it was a bit over the tax limit in Sweden. There is of course perhaps an ideological conviction behind it as well, but it is not bad for the wallet, says Beijmo.


Here, TV4 Nyheterna tries to get a comment from Tiktok

In Sweden, income over SEK 22,208 must be taxed. This also applies to gifts that users receive from the social media platform.

– The company has an interest in this type of highly engaged content, if you can call it that, being on their platform. They get 50 percent of all gifts, says Mattias Beijmo.

TV4 Nyheterna has searched Tiktok for a comment. But even when we go to the company’s address in Stockholm, we don’t get an answer.

– It is under all criticism. If you have this role in the democratic society that Tiktok has, and has had for a long time now, then it is one’s obligation to appear for interviews. It’s cowardly behavior from Tiktok, but unfortunately a pattern we see from all these social media companies, says Mattias Beijmo.
