the key points of the program of the New Popular Front

the key points of the program of the New Popular

Less than three weeks before the legislative elections scheduled for June 30 and July 7 after the dissolution of the National Assembly, the left is showing its unity with the New Popular Front. Environmentalists, socialists, rebels and communists presented their common program. A program which aims to break with current policy and which includes, in total, nearly 150 measures.

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The dissonances persist, but the front displayed is united. To achieve this, the program co-signed by all the leaders of the left parties proposes a “ breakup » total with Emmanuel Macron’s policy.

The program is firstly broken down in time: the first fifteen days in power if the New Popular Front (NFP) is victorious will be equivalent to “ breaking » with the policies of recent years. The first 100 days will be titled “ the summer of bifurcation », while the following months will be devoted to the transformation.

Repeal the most criticized reforms and restore purchasing power

From the very first days, the New Popular Front, for example, wanted to repeal two emblematic reforms – that of pensions pushing back the retirement age to 64 and that of unemployment insurance for job seekers. This measure would push even more people into poverty, insist those responsible for this new left-wing alliance. The NFP also promises the repeal of the immigration law.

Among the other priorities are those which aim to restore purchasing power to low-income households: the blocking of basic necessities and energy prices, the increase in the minimum wage to 1,600 euros net (1,398.69 euros currently) and the salaries of civil servants, the indexation of salaries and retirement pensions to inflation. It also proposes to cancel the scheduled increase in the price of gas on July 1.

The program also provides for measures for greater tax justice: the reestablishment of the wealth tax (ISF) with a reinforced climate component. At the European level, the taxation of the superprofits of multinationals to increase the resources of the budget of theEuropean Union is envisaged, as is a renegotiation of the common agricultural policy or the establishment of ecological and social protectionism.

Among the first priorities are also the suspension of motorway or mega-basin projects, the elimination of Parcoursup, the abandonment of the constitutional reform project in New Caledoniarecognition of the State of Palestine and continued unconditional support for Ukraine.

Major reforms have been outlined, such as the 6th Republic, the citizens’ initiative referendum, the refinancing of public services with in particular a priority given to public schools.

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Tough negotiations and persistent blocking points

This program is thus the synthesis of the different points of view of the components of this alliance. Thus, on the international level, the left-wing parties are trying to put aside the deep differences that have opposed them over Hamas, by denouncing “ terrorist massacres » of the Islamist movement and promising to work “ for the release of held hostages » since October 7. They call for “ impose an immediate ceasefire in Gaza and enforce the order of the International Court of Justice (ICJ) which unambiguously evokes a risk of genocide “. The New Popular Front also undertakes to “immediately recognize the State of Palestine alongside the State of Israel”.

Left-wing parties are calling for a “ interministerial plan against anti-Semitism and Islamophobia “. Shared on the degree of support for Ukraine in the face of Russia, they agree on a common denominator and promise to “ unwaveringly defend sovereignty »Ukrainian« by the delivery of necessary weapons “.

The question of security is not left out: the program plans to strengthen the police force, particularly to fight drug trafficking.

The choice of Prime Minister in the event of victory of the New Popular Front

Who would be the Prime Minister if the NFP won the legislative elections? This thorny question of the candidacy for Matignon, in the event of victory for the left, has not yet been resolved. This could become the stone in the shoe of the New Popular Front given the assumed ambiguity of the alliance on this subject, which will certainly be exploited to the maximum by its adversaries. Because obviously the Rebels are thinking of Jean-Luc Mélenchon. A red line for many voters, and for some within the NFP itself, like Raphaël Glucksmann.

“This union is the only way to prevent the victory of the National Rally” in the legislative elections, recognized Raphaël Glucksmann, interviewed in the morning on France Inter. Winner on the left of the European elections with 13.83% of the votes with the Socialist Party-Place Publique list, Raphaël Glucksmann was absent when the program of the left alliance was announced.

In addition to Jean-Luc Mélenchon, the names of the former trade unionist Laurent Berger, the Insoumis François Ruffin and the socialists Valérie Rabault and Boris Vallaud have circulated. The parties agreed that the one with the most deputies will propose a candidate, which a priori benefits LFI, present in 229 constituencies, compared to 175 for PS, 92 for the Ecologists and 50 for the PCF.

The balance of public finances

For Bruno Le Maire, Minister of the Economy and Finance, the program of the New Popular Front is “the assurance of leaving the European Union through its refusal of European budgetary discipline”. The objective of the Stability and Growth Pact adopted by Member States in 1997 and revised several times since, its last reform dates back to December 2023, is to guarantee that public finances are healthy and viable, while supporting growth and growth. ‘investment.

Among the main European stock markets, all in the red on Friday, the CAC 40 in Paris is the only index to have erased its gains since the start of the year and is heading towards its worst weekly decline since March 2022, just after the invasion RussianUkraine. The outcome of the anticipated legislative elections in France worries investors who prefer to abandon euro zone equities while waiting to see things more clearly.

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