The KD politician is raging after the report on Birgitta

Birgitta and Björn trapped: “It is terrible” • The Housing Citizen Council Answer

The KD politician is raging after the report on Birgitta, 88, which is stuck in his home during an elevator renovation.
She directs the criticism against the City of Stockholm – who now wants to work out a solution.
– That Birgitta and more elderly people will be prisoners in their own homes is unworthy, says Nike Örbrink (KD), who is the vice chairman of the Elderly Committee in Stockholm City.

Nike Örbrink (KD) is furious after the report on Birgitta Nordström, which is stuck in her home on the fifth floor for four weeks when the elevator is to be renovated. Mainly because Birgitta is not entitled to any compensation from the landlord Stockholmshem, which is owned by the City of Stockholm.

– You should not be closed into your homes or be thrown out on the street, it is disrespectful and nonchalant by the City of Stockholm. The everyday life of the elderly must be prioritized and the city must be able to guarantee a dignified accommodation for the elderly, she tells TV4 News.

“Little man against great power”

In the stairwell also lives Björn Hallgren, 79, who has neuropathy in his feet. He is one of those who has difficulty getting down without a lift.

“It’s terrible, you feel like the little person against the great power,” he says.

He and Birgitta have tried to present several different alternatives and solutions to the landlord, but according to Björn they have not nipped.

– When we talk to them, they say it’s not their problem, it just gets cold hand from Stockholmshem. I guess we are not the only ones who happen to be like this, it is a big problem for many tenants.

Requires change

Stockholmshem has previously explained why they do not offer any compensation or alternative housing. The reason is that it is a planned renovation and that the tenants have been given time to prepare, and that this is stated in the lease. They also point out that there are no empty apartments to evacuate to. But Nike Örbrink (KD) believes it is wrong to place the responsibility on an almost 90-year-old woman.

“You don’t take the elderly into planning,” she says.

Now she requires an accessibility guarantee during renovations. This would mean that the city is obliged to find evacuation housing for the tenants who need it. She also believes that the Real Estate Citizens Council needs to take more responsibility.

– We want to see that during renovations you should be guaranteed or accommodation, and that it is entered into the agreements. The city and real estate companies must cooperate.

The Housing Citizens’ Council: “Will review solutions”

Clara Lindblom (V) is the Housing Citizens Council in the City of Stockholm and takes the criticism. She agrees with Nike Örbrink (KD) in that there should be other solutions in situations that Birgittas.

“I think it is completely unreasonable that people in Birgitta’s situation should have to get stuck in their apartments for several weeks, so we have to look at this. When it is to be carried out planned maintenance of lifts and you have special reasons, for example, are older and cannot go up stairs, then of course the landlord must take this into account, ”she writes in an email to TV4 News.

“I will review all possible solutions to this and have already been in contact with the public utility housing companies to see how we can work forward.”, Writes Clara Lindblom.
