The junior crown team captain’s dreamlike message – it speaks for Sweden winning gold: “Will carry far”

Last minute The world stood up after Putins decision in

Next week JVM starts.
Then team captain Emil Andrae will lead Sweden to a gold.
– It will go a long way, he says.

The coronavirus found its way into last winter’s JVM and the entire tournament was canceled overnight. The announcement hit like a bomb, and all the teams were sent home from Canada.

That speaks for Sweden

In the spring, the announcement came that the championship will take place again, and in the middle of the summer. Now there is barely a week left until the tournament starts, and the team captain of the junior crowns Emil Andrae is loaded to the teeth – and will lead Sweden to gold.

211226 Emil Andrae of Sweden talks to one of the referees after the 3-4 goal during the 2022 IIHF World Junior Championship game between Russia and Sweden on December 26, 2021 in Red Deer. Photo: Joel Marklund / BILDBYRÅN

– It’s a really fun tournament. We have a good foundation of good guys, if we get it right and get together in the days we have before and during the tournament, it will probably go a long way, he tells SVT Sport.

Emil Andrae was also the team captain before this winter’s tournament – and earlier this week it became clear that the 20-year-old will be trusted again.

“Wants to be a leader type”

– I want to be a leader type and contribute both on and off the ice. On the ice, I want to contribute with my passing game and my quick game from behind and try to drive the game and take responsibility with the puck, that’s what I’m best at, he says.

211226 Emil Andrae of Sweden celebrates after scoring the 0-3 goal during the 2022 IIHF World Junior Championship game between Russia and Sweden on December 26, 2021 in Red Deer. Photo: Joel Marklund / BILDBYRÅN

The Junior World Cup will take place on Tuesday next week. Sweden plays for the first time on Wednesday, and meets Switzerland in the first match.

READ MORE: JVM 2022 hockey: TV times, schedule and results
