For eleven days the dog Tjorven was missing in the forests of Sorunda. Over 1,000 people got involved in the search before she found her home again. – Emotionally, it has been very difficult, says mother Carola Larsson During a forest walk in Sorunda in Nynäshamn municipality two weeks ago, Carola Larsson’s dog Tjorven ran away. For eleven long days Tjorven’s mother and master worried about her whereabouts. Several hundred people have helped in the search and over a thousand people have committed themselves to finding Tjorven on social media. – There have been blizzards three times during this time. Emotionally, it has been very difficult and we haven’t slept at all, says Carola Larsson to TV4 Nyheterna. – We have been out with headlamps at night and searched under fir trees and behind boulders in entire forest areas where we live. But this week Tjorven’s owner got an unexpected surprise when he got out of the car at the residence. – He heard a bang and suddenly Tjorven came running at full speed and was very happy, says Carola Larsson. Celebrating with princess cake and salmon Despite the fact that Tjorven was in the forest for eleven days, the dog managed to find home again. Carola Larsson says that the eleven days without Tjorven were heavy. – There has been an ulterior motive that it might not go well, she says. Tjorven’s mother tells TV4 Nyheterna that the reunion will be celebrated big at home in Sorunda. – We will celebrate with princess cake and Tjorven will have salmon and some peas. She likes salad too so she will get some lettuce leaves. In the player above: Hear math Carola Larsson talk about the eleven days.
The joy in Sorunda: The stag found home – after eleven days in the forest