“The Jewish community is now very much on its toes”

The Jewish community is now very much on its toes

In the last three weeks, 850 anti-Semitic acts have been reported in France. In addition, acts of violence referring to Islamist thinking have raised the terrorist threat in France.

The number of anti-Semitic acts in France has increased after the terrorist organization Hamas attacked Israel on October 7, says ‘s reporter Jari Mäkinen. The French Jewish community is on its toes at the moment, Mäkinen says in morning.

Prime Minister of Francei Élisabeth Bornen in the last three weeks, 850 anti-Semitic acts have come to light in France and almost 6,000 reports have been made to the authorities. Hundreds of arrests have been made and more than 200 investigations have been launched for the suspected acts.

– Yesterday, Tuesday, in the 14th arrondissement of Paris, crosses of David were painted on the walls of Jewish sites. In practice, it means that the times of the Second World War come to mind, when “Jew” was written on the wall of the house in Germany and elsewhere, Mäkinen says in ‘s morning.

The number has almost doubled since 2022. At that time, the French Ministry of the Interior and the Jewish organization SPCJ recorded a total of 436 anti-Semitic acts.

Violent attacks referring to extremist ideology have also occurred recently. France raised the terror threat rating to the highest possible on October 13, after a stabbing with possible Islamist motives took place in northern France.

Last Tuesday, the police shot a woman on a train in Paris who threatened to blow herself up. According to the government spokesperson, the woman was wearing the abaya cloth accessory used by Muslims and the threats she made were “Islamist-type”.

Due to yesterday’s events and the situation in Israel, extra police and 7,000 soldiers have been assigned to the streets of Paris, says Mäkinen.

The far-right National Alliance party, which has been accused of being anti-Jewish, has not commented on recent events. This also applies to the party’s former chairman and leader Marine Le Pen.

– At the moment, Le Pen does not take a stand on any kind of political issues of the day, because that would eat away at her chances of being elected the next president, says Mäkinen.

According to Mäkinen, the Muslim community in France has remained peaceful. The imam of the Grand Mosque in Paris has hoped that the conflict would not come to France and has condemned the violent acts.

Watch the entire broadcast in Areena.
