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With the arrival of autumn, you may want to sort out your interior. To be effective, you can draw inspiration from the Japanese 5 S method. Here’s how.
When it comes to storage and sorting, you probably know the prowess of Marie Kondo, a true high priestess of the interior. This time, the method is different, but also comes from Japan. Here are the steps.
What is the 5S method?
Originally, this method was imagined by Japanese factory owners, in order to optimize the productivity of their employees by improving their working environment. The technique is divided into five steps, which have names starting with the letter S.
What are the steps of the 5S method and what do they consist of?
The five steps and their translation are as follows:
- Seiri, which means to rid;
- Seiton which can be translated as tidy up;
- Seiso, which means to clean;
- Seiketsu, which corresponds to maintaining order;
- Shitsuke, whose meaning is to be rigorous.
Tidy up your house efficiently using the 5 S method
As you can notice, these steps are progressive: you cannot clean without first tidying up, for example. To apply this method, you will need to start by getting rid of what you no longer need, then make room for each thing, by tidying it up methodically.
Once you have completed these first two steps, the third is to engage in a deep cleaning. Finally, it remains to put in place a routine that will allow you to maintain these good habits, which must be integrated into your daily life so that they become automatic.
What is the benefit of adopting this method?
Why should you adopt this storage method? Quite simply because it allows you to get rid of objects you no longer use, to free up space.
Then once its interior is tidy, with the bare necessities, all that remains is to clean and maintain its efforts in the long term. So of course, starting this tidying up can seem daunting, but the reward of the results saves time later, because the cleaning will be done much more quickly! A long-term investment, in a way!