The Italy of small and micro enterprises: INAPP photography

The foreign companies are smiling in five years there are

(Finance) – 99.4% of the Italian productive fabric is made up of small and micro enterprises (respectively of 10-49 employees and 0-9 employees), which employ 63.4% of employees in the private non-agricultural sector.

These are the data analyzed by INAPP (National Institute for the Analysis of Public Policies) during a study day dedicated to the latest issue of the scientific journal of the Sinappsi institution “The development of small and micro-enterprises significantly depends development of the entire economy and the Italian labor market – commented Sebastiano Fadda, president of INAPP – Industrial and labor policies must be strategically oriented towards overcoming the limits that small-sized enterprises encounter in carrying out their higher,” he added.

“The numbers tell us that it would be enough for even just a small portion of this productive fabric to develop significantly to contribute to a new phase of growth for the country. The evidence presented in this issue of Sinappsi – concluded Fadda – serves precisely to focus the debate on how to bring to maturity all the potential that the Italian economy has been building since the 1990s, with the creation of an extraordinarily broad and articulated sector of small and micro-enterprises”
