the Israeli Minister of the Diaspora expected at the congress of the far-right Vox party

the Israeli Minister of the Diaspora expected at the congress

In Spain, the far-right party Vox is in Congress this weekend in Madrid, in the middle of the campaign for the European elections. Several foreign personalities are expected: Argentinian President Javier Milei as well as numerous representatives of the European extreme right, such as Marine Le Pen for the National Rally. Also among the notable guests was the Israeli Minister of the Diaspora, Amichai Chikli.

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Amichai Chikli is a member of Likud, the right-wing party of the Israeli Prime Minister, Benyamin Netanyahu. Within the government, he is in charge of the Diaspora, that is to say links with Jewish communities around the world, and also in charge of the fight against anti-Semitism.

The Israeli minister continues to assert his proximity to nationalist movements and their leaders in Sweden, Belgium and Hungary. According to the Israeli daily Haaretz, Amichai Chikli is a regular at ultra-conservative and far-right gatherings in Europe, the United States and Canada. And this, even if he can sometimes come across people nostalgic for Nazism or people denying the existence of the Shoah.

A paradox which is clearly no longer an obstacle, because it is in the name of the fight against radical Islam, seen as a common threat, that the Israeli and European extreme right no longer hesitates to appear side by side. -side. This is still the case these days in Madrid, at the invitation of the Spanish Vox party, while Israel is currently led by the most right-wing government in its history.

Read alsoSpain: far-right party VOX invites European ultraconservative parties for Europe Viva 24
