the Israeli incursion into Gaza, a preamble to a ground offensive

the Israeli incursion into Gaza a preamble to a ground

The Israeli army continues its relentless bombings against the Gaza Strip. There are more than 7,000 deaths according to the Palestinian Ministry of Health. And the strikes were accompanied early this Thursday morning, October 26, by a brief Israeli ground incursion. A column of tanks entered the north of the Palestinian enclave. “ Preparations for the next stage of combat “, says the Israeli army.

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This Wednesday evening, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu confirmed: there will indeed be a ground offensive in Gaza. But when? No one really seems to know, reports our correspondent in Jerusalem, Sami Boukhelifa. Behind the war talk, there is the reality on the ground. The Israeli army needs time to prepare and that is what it is doing right now. The soldiers train, there are also staff exercises, with a geopolitical dimension which accompanies the military dimension. The worst-case scenario is discussed and studied. We must anticipate regional reactions, international reactions to a ground offensive in Gaza.

Read alsoIsraeli army reportedly carries out new incursion into northern Gaza Strip

In the meantime, the army is trying to maintain pressure on Hamas, Gaza and its population. Hence the uninterrupted bombings and this lightning incursion of armored vehicles which took place this Thursday, October 26, before dawn. This is the first time since the start of the war that Israel has deployed its tanks in Gaza. The operational objective is to test Hamas defenses, conduct intelligence and terrain reconnaissance. Until then, the Jewish state had tried to carry out these operations by sending special forces. They had to quickly retreat under heavy fire.

American allies, masters of the tempo

The assault seemed imminent in the days following October 7. But, if the Jewish state has still not launched a ground operation in Gaza, should we see the result of internal dissensions within the Israeli government? Notably between Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his Defense Minister, Yoav Gallant, as well as with the General Staff of the Israeli army? ” LRelations with the Chief of Staff are not excellent, but that is not what can delay the ground operation. These are other things much more important than each other’s feelings », Estimates Ilan Greilsammer, of Bar-Ilan University in Tel Aviv, at the microphone of Vincent Souriau, of RFI’s international service.

The political scientist sees above all the hand of the United States and the fear of endangering the lives of hostages held in Gaza. “ It is very possible, in any case, that the Americans, who are strategic allies of the State of Israel, asked the Israeli government to delay this operation, so that they themselves – the Americans – could organize themselves and preserve. They have bases throughout the region, some of which have been attacked. This could be one of the main reasons for the delay. The other being that Israel is seeking above all to free its more than 200 hostages. Secret negotiations are continuing and we do not want to compromise their lives and their release, it is certainly something that plays a role », he continues.

Once again, armed war is accompanied by information war. Israel needs to show that it is in control of the situation. But the Israeli media constantly talks about the role of the United States in this war. And it is Washington who seems to be setting the pace. There is no US green light at this time to enter Gaza.
