The Iranian embassy is being investigated for the abuse of Anela

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– I tore up Khamenei’s picture and I said: “Down with the dictator!” “Why are you killing our children in Iran?” They attacked us, they hit me, they hit him, they took his cell phone out of his pocket.

Anela and Åke now live in a secret location, the interview takes place on TV4 and they do not want to give their last names.

Last Friday they got into the Iranian embassy on Lidingö in Stockholm by Anela applying for an Iranian ID card. When she carried out her protest action, both she and Åka were beaten and their mobile phones were confiscated, they say. Åke was then kicked out and embassy staff tried to lift Anela into another room.

– When they tried to take me by the thumb, I got really, really scared and thought: Oh… I didn’t call my son and say goodbye.

The embassy denies that violence occurred, but the police patrol, which is always outside, made a report of assault and arbitrary proceedings, and the preliminary investigation is ongoing. Anela and Åke went to hospital with, among other things, a crack in the bone of the nose, according to records obtained by TV4Nyheterna.

– Physically I feel relatively well, but mentally it is worse. It’s a traumatic experience and something you don’t expect to happen in Sweden.

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