The Iran scientist: The Islamic Republic will collapse

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The protests in Iran are now entering their third month despite the bloody attempts to stop the demonstrators. According to the internationally recognized Iran researcher, Kasra Aarabi, who was invited to the Riksdag on Wednesday, it is about the beginning to the end of the Iranian regime, and not about veils.

– These protests have now transformed into what must be called a revolution against the Islamic Republic. People I talk to in Iran say that it will not let itself be put down. We have also seen that in the last two months, says Kasra Aarabi.

– They have stubbornly taken to the streets. It may take months, it may take years but the Islamic Republic will collapse. You can only maintain a system with violence for a limited time, he continues.

Nationwide strike

The regime’s armed attempts to put down the protests have not yet succeeded. For example, steel mill workers in Isfahan are demonstrating as part of a nationwide strike currently underway. Often the women are driving. already last year Iran’s interior minister warned of the danger posed by Iran’s women.

– He clearly said that if the Islamic Republic will be damaged, it will be by women. this regime fears the brave women of Iran and it is the brave women of Iran who are on the front lines fighting the Islamic Republic and their misogynistic policies.

Watch the interview with Iran researcher, Kasra Arabi, in the player above.
