Louise, an 11-year-old teenager, was found dead on Saturday, February 8, a few hours after her disappearance, in Épinay-sur-Orge (Essonne). After the release of two suspects, the investigators have a meager track on a possible suspect.
It is a drama that we do not yet know the causes. Louise, an 11-year-old teenager, was found dead in an Epinay-sur-Orge wood (Essonne) on the night of Friday 7 to Saturday February 8 around 2 am. The girl had not given any sign of life since the afternoon of Friday, after her release from André-Maurois college around 3 p.m. Louise’s last image was captured by the city’s video surveillance cameras while crossing the Templiers park, leading to the Bois des Templiers in which her body was discovered by the police after several hours of research .
Louise’s body with traces of several stab wounds and the autopsy made on Saturday made it possible to “note the presence of very many wounds committed with a sharp object in vital areas” confirmed the Evry prosecution. Medical examinations cannot find “any element” allowing “to affirm that sexual violence had been committed”.
An investigation initially open for “disturbing disappearance” was reclassified as an investigation for “murder of minor under 15 years of age” said the public prosecutor of Évry, Grégoire Dulin. The investigations were entrusted to the organized and specialized crime department of Yvelines (DCOS 78), in co-saisine with the National Directorate of the Judicial Police.
A research system and another safety
After reporting from the disappearance of Louise, several members of the police were mobilized to find the teenager with only cynophile teams. More than 120 police functions were present on site, after the discovery of Louise’s body, as well as four riders, a dozen police vehicles and a CRS truck after BFMTV. Numerous teams deployed to find any possible index on the death of Louise and the author of the murder. Batts were organized to get their hands on the crime weapon which has still not been found.
Research continues this Monday, February 10, while a security device was set up at 8 am on the journey of colleges and high schools in the cities of Epinay-sur-Orge and Longjumeau in Essonne “to ensure The safety of children and middle school students, “said one of the municipalities. In the absence of an arrest, the fact that the author of the murder of Louise is still in freedom worries students, their families and more broadly the whole population.
The students of the college where Louise was going to school returned to go on this Monday. “A psychological listening device will be set up on Monday in the establishment for students and staff,” said the rectorate. The first hour of lessons is also trivialized.
Two people in police custody, then released
Shortly before the discovery of Louise’s body, two people were arrested and placed in police custody in this case. He is a 22 -year -old man, who would have been seen on video surveillance images, and his partner, a 20 -year -old student. They were arrested shortly before 1 a.m. to the mother of the man, with whom he lives, in Épinay-sur-Orge. They were both released free at the beginning of the evening on Saturday, after having presented an alibi and lack of evidence. The investigation continues to identify new suspects. The investigators spotted a man’s silhouette on Louise’s last images and try to identify him. They therefore continue research and can still use telephony to find a suspect.
Latest updates
08:36 – An individual seen on Louise’s latest images
Louise’s latest traces are summed up with images taken by city surveillance cameras. The photos show the teenager on the way to her home with her backpack, but the investigators also spotted an individual on these images. Considering it as a possible suspect, the investigators try to identify the individual. He thought he had recognized him in the person of the first man placed in police custody with his partner on Saturday, but these arrests were not fruitful.