The investigation into the case of Anni Vuohijoki was closed

Anni Vuohijoki and Laura Peippo bring Ukrainian bus refugees to

The Finnish Sports Ethics Center closed the investigation because there are no parties involved in the case.

19.5. 15:34 • Updated May 19th. 15:35

The Finnish Sports Ethics Center SUEK says it has closed its investigation into weightlifting Anni Vuohijoki suspected of a serious ethical violation at the Beijing Winter Olympics. SUEK closed the investigation because there were no interested parties in the case. The case is also not pending before the Disciplinary Board.

– There were strong grounds for the inquiries we received. During the investigation, we were able to determine the course of events with sufficient accuracy. We closed the investigation because there was no disciplinary party in the case who would have requested the matter to be heard by the Disciplinary Board, SUEK’s Chief Investigator Jouko Ikonen commented in the press release.

Suek began deciding to open an investigation on April 1st. Both the Finnish Olympic Committee and the Goat River brought the matter to the attention of SUEK.
