The investigation into the accident at the preschool in Umeå is not complete

– Such a difficult and serious accident leaves its mark. It was a severe shock and something you think about almost all the time. It will take time to process what happened, says Elisabeth Zachrisson and continues:

“Talking about the difficult and playing”

– What has happened affects the entire business. It’s a small business and everyone knows each other.

The preschool has enlisted the help of a psychologist.

– Everyone who wants is offered individual calls. Children are amazing at being in the moment. Even when the accident had just happened. You talk about the difficult and the next moment you are playing to the fullest.

The accident is being investigated as the cause of another’s death by prosecutor Anna Lundberg.

– We have no suspects in the case. The preliminary investigation is ongoing and it is my job to protect the investigation, to make sure that it is handled perfectly in relation to relatives and other things. I don’t think the investigation will take years, but neither will it take weeks. The ambition is to be finished as soon as possible, says Anna Lundberg.

“Trying to catch a streak of light”

The preschool is to investigate the incident itself, but is waiting for the police’s investigation first. They have also reported the incident to the Work Environment Authority.

“Three members of staff performed CPR on the child until emergency personnel arrived. The child died as a result of the injuries. It is unclear what trauma this will cause the employees,” the preschool writes in the report.

– For us, it’s about trying to look ahead, to catch a glimmer of light, says Elisabeth Zachrisson.
