the intersyndicale and the left parties stay the course

the intersyndicale and the left parties stay the course

While France is suspended from the decision that the Constitutional Council will make on pension reform, the left-wing parties are mobilizing to keep the file in the headlines.

We are all going to put on our tricolor scarves, it will be a beautiful Republican procession that will knock on Emmanuel Macron smiles André Chassaigne. Rather than responding to Prime Minister Élisabeth Borne’s invitation to come and talk to Matignon, the left-wing parties will organize a symbolic march to the Élysée Palace on Tuesday April 4. “ There has been too much scorn from Parliament since January, if the door remains closed the image will be dire for the President “, Continues the boss of the communist deputies. “ Macron must stop hiding “adds an environmentalist.

But the objective is above all to occupy the land, pending the arbitration of the Constitutional Council, explains Aurelien Devernoix, from the political service of RFI. The Elders of rue Montpensier must render their decision on April 14 on the conformity of the pension reform with the Constitution. “ For the moment, the unions are alone in the front line and if the mobilization runs out of steam, it will be difficult to revive “, explains an environmental adviser.

The parties of the Nupes therefore want to be heard and to counter the communication of the executive. “ They try to lure us into other topics “, warns André Chassaigne, “ you have to avoid the trap “. Hence the decision to decline the invitation of Elisabeth Borne who is launching a series of consultations from Monday, April 3. “ We have two weeks to go we breathe in the ranks of the Nupes. “ If the Constitutional Council validates our proposal for a popular initiative referendum on the reform, we will be off for nine months of campaigning and it is we who will have the upper hand. »

Keep a united union

For its part, the inter-union accepted the invitation to Matignon, Wednesday April 5. “ It can last five minutes “, if the executive refuses to reconsider the reform and its flagship measure, the postponement of the legal age to 64, warned the new number one of the CGT, Sophie Binet. If she was delighted that the inter-union agreed to meet her, Elisabeth Borne warned this Friday: the pension reform will be ” obviously “addressed, but no question of putting it” on break “.

This discourse on union unity preserved in the face of the reform which has been going on for almost three months reassures the other unions in any case. “ A very good sign ” greeted by the number 2 of the CFDT, Marylise Léon. For his part, the president of the CFE-CGC, François Hommeril, affirms that he has ” no doubt the momentum will continue “.

Like the left-wing parties, the unions are betting on the demand for a shared initiative referendum. A final “ top exit door “Which would extend the social movement, said Laurent Escure, secretary general of Unsa.

► To read also: Demonstrations denounce police violence in several cities in France
