The international fitness and bodybuilding sports organization violated Wada’s doping rules – Finland’s fitness boss did not flinch: “My nest is in order”

The international fitness and bodybuilding sports organization violated Wadas doping

Wada says that the international fitness and bodybuilding sports organization IFBB has not acted in accordance with doping regulations. The activities of the IFBB have no effect on the activities of Finnish fitness sports associations.

World Anti-Doping Agency Wada said (you will switch to another service) October 17, that the activities of the IFBB, the international sports organization for fitness and bodybuilding, do not comply with WADA’s doping standards.

According to Wada, exceptions have been found in the doping testing program implemented by the IFBB, and sufficient resources have not been allocated to the development of a compliant anti-doping program.

The IFBB had the opportunity to appeal Wada’s decision, but did not, although they had 21 days to do so.

Does not affect operations in Finland

In Finland, the IFBB is represented by Suomen Fitnessurheilhu ry SFU, which is also an official member organization of the Finnish Olympic Committee.

Executive Director of SFU Ville Isolan SFU received a press release from the IFBB, which assured that the sports organization’s will and goal is on the side of staying in Wada.

Isola says that Wada’s decision does not affect SFU’s operations.

– I can say that my nest is fine. Suomen Fitnesseruhili ry. has been cooperating with the Finnish Anti-Doping Commission, now Suek, since 1995. If things have been handled poorly in the international sports federation, it will not affect us.

In Finland, the Finnish sports ethics center Suek is responsible for national doping control, and Isola has been satisfied with its operation.

– Suek’s operations and doping testing in Finland are good compared to many other countries where testing is not systematic. This inequality affects all species.

According to Isola, doping testing has not become a problem in Finland.

– Fitness sports is the fourth most tested individual sport in Finland. Tests will be done a lot in the future. An annual survey is held for SFU’s competitors and people involved in the association’s activities. One of the most important values ​​in last year’s survey, why people participate in the activity, is the purity of the sport.
