The intensification of Israeli military operations in Jenin brings the local economy to its knees

The intensification of Israeli military operations in Jenin brings the

For six months, the Israeli army has intensified its operations in the city of Jenin, in the north of the occupied West Bank. They are now almost daily. And beyond the human cost, these military interventions have a real impact on the local economy.

With our correspondent in Jerusalem, Sami Boukhelifa

At 11am, Jenin’s central market is just waking up. A late schedule, unusual, but become the norm lately. Unable to open earlier, as the Israeli army was deployed in the city.

The situation here is catastrophic. You go to bed at night with the sound of gunfire, and you wake up in the morning: you learn that such and such a person has been killed, or such and such a friend has been arrested by the Israelis. They carry out their military operations, they kill people, it’s not normal, denounces Ahmad, a young shopkeeper. Because of this, people don’t want to come shopping in Jenin anymore. They are afraid, they prefer to go elsewhere “.

An economy closely linked with that of Israel

Jenin’s economy is closely linked to that of the Jewish state. Israeli Arabs from nearby villages usually cross the border between Israel and the occupied West Bank, and drive the city’s economy. But for six months, and the intensification of the Israeli military interventions, they are less and less numerous, notes Mohamad Jamal, director of the chamber of commerce and industry of Jenin.

► To read also: Israel tightens the noose around the city of Jenin

Before all these events, 7,000 cars entered here every day from Israel. But the economy needs peace. Israel presents itself as a victim. And of course, presents us as criminals, because Palestinians are attacking Israel. The main problem is occupation. Let them end the occupation, and everything will be fine “, he assures.

Officially, Israel claims to fight against “terrorism”, a term used to describe the Palestinian resistance. According to a Palestinian tally, more than 30 people have been killed by Jewish state forces in the city since the start of the year. This week, in this region, two Palestinians killed an Israeli soldier before being killed in turn. In retaliation, the crossing point between Jenin and Israel is now closed until further notice.
