the inhabitants of Majunga worried after a fire in the Pechexport company

the inhabitants of Majunga worried after a fire in the

In Madagascar, the flames ravaged one of the buildings of the Pechexport company in Majunga, in the northwest of the island. While investigations are underway to determine the origin of this fire which broke out on Saturday morning, residents are concerned about the impact of the cessation of activity by this fishing, collection and disposal company. export of seafood products in this city and coastal region.

With our correspondent in Antananarivo, Laetitia Bezain

It’s really the heart of the activity that caught fire », explains the governor of the Boeny region, Mokhtar Salim Andriantomanga. One of the company’s two buildings, located in the Ampasika district, right in the center of Majunga, caught fire, reducing administrative and accounting documents, computer servers, cold rooms and the standards validation laboratory to ashes. export. Opposite, the second building, in which other cold rooms and sorting rooms are located, was not affected.

A renowned company, established for more than 30 years in this port city, Pechexport employs some 460 people in its activities of fishing, collecting and exporting crabs, shrimps and fish, particularly to Europe and the United States. ” It is one of the major companies in the region and creates many indirect jobs “, continues the governor.

A fire that upsets the inhabitants and raises their concerns about the socio-economic consequences. ” It’s serious what happened. This company brings a lot to the economy of Majunga since it buys the products of local fishermen. She also gives work to the dockers », testifies Madame Lala, a resident.

Investigations are continuing to determine the causes of this fire. ” The Jirama Bailiff [la société publique de distribution d’électricité et d’eau, Ndlr] came to see the state of the electric meters indicated that they were in good working order “says Mokhtar Salim Andriantomanga.
