The incubation period has been reduced to 2-3 days! Watch out for these symptoms at Omicron, in cases…

The incubation period has been reduced to 2 3 days Watch

There has been an increase in cases of Omicron, the new variant of influenza and coronavirus, in recent days. Since the two diseases have almost the same symptoms, the diseases can be confused. Stating that pneumonia is most common in coronavirus, Infectious Diseases and Microbiology Specialist Prof. Dr. Kıvanç Şerefhanoğlu explained that the incubation period in Omicron is reduced to 2-3 days and that the symptoms are mostly seen in the upper respiratory tract such as the throat and nose.


Stating that the Omicron variant (B.1.1.529) is a variant formed as a result of various mutations in the SARS-CoV-2 virus, Infectious Diseases and Microbiology Specialist Prof. Dr. Kıvanç Şerefhanoğlu warned about the Omicron variant and its symptoms.

Stating that the Omicron variant was first detected by WHO (World Health Organization) on November 26, 2021 in South Africa, Prof. Dr. Şerefhanoğlu said that it quickly spread all over the world (more than 90 countries).


Drawing attention to the difference of the Omicron variant from other variants, Prof. Dr. Şerefhanoğlu shared the following information:

“One of the most important differences of this variant from other variants is that it is much more contagious. The incubation period of the disease was reduced to 2-3 days. It soon became the dominant variant in many countries. Another important difference is that it shows the ability to evade the immune system. With this ability, it can avoid antibodies formed due to vaccination or previous infection. For this reason, it was decided to apply an additional dose of vaccine. However, the disease severity of the Omicron variant is milder than the other variants. Lung damage left in the body is less. Findings are mostly seen in upper respiratory tracts such as throat and nose. However, it can still cause serious illness.”


Emphasizing that the Omicron variant is transmitted rapidly among children, but this situation is not different in adults, Prof. Dr. Şerefhanoğlu said, “The Omicron variant usually causes asymptomatic or mild complaints such as sore throat, malaise, cough and runny nose in children. However, there is rarely a need for hospitalization.


Underlining that the symptoms of influenza and Kovid-19 variants are similar, Prof. Dr. Şerefhanoğlu said, “Both of them have signs of upper respiratory tract infection. Fever, malaise, sore throat and cough are important symptoms. However, lung infection (pneumonia) is more common in Covid-19.

Stating that influenza is not a greater danger for children at the moment, Prof. Dr. Şerefhanoğlu explained the recommendations to protect children against Influenza and Omicron, especially for the under 12-year-old group who cannot be vaccinated:

“Children with runny nose, cough, fever, sore throat should definitely be tested for Covid-19. If they cannot get tested, it would be appropriate for them to stay at home until these complaints pass. It is important to maintain a physical distance of 2 meters as much as possible. Masks should be worn for close contacts. It is important to ventilate the classrooms frequently. In general, a healthy diet is recommended. A diet rich in vegetables-fruits and protein, which keeps the immune system strong, should be avoided, sweet, fast-food and foods with additives should be avoided. Adequate sleep is very important to strengthen the immune system. Children need to sleep at least 8 hours a day.”

Source: DHA

