the incredible true story that inspired the film

the incredible true story that inspired the film

LION MOVIE. The feature film with Dev Patel and Nicole Kidman is inspired by the crazy true story of Saroo Brierley, who tragically loses track of his biological family and finds it 25 years later.

[Mis à jour le 4 mai 2022 à 20h45] Lion is a film directed by Garth Davis and released in 2017. This drama with Dev Patel and Nicole Kidman is inspired by an incredible true story: that of Saroo Brierley, told in his memoirs entitled I wanted to find my mother. His journey began in 1986, in a disadvantaged neighborhood in India. Aged 5, he accompanies his brother, Guddu, to work. Exhausted, Saroo Brierley falls asleep on one of the station benches for a few hours. When he wakes up, his brother has disappeared.

The protagonist of the film Lion then gets on a train, and wakes up two days later in Calcutta, 1500 kilometers from his face. Although he does not understand the local dialect, he wanders the streets of the city for several months. A passerby discovered him on May 22, 1986 and entrusted him to a local orphanage. Saroo Brierley is finally adopted by an Australian family.

Twenty years later, the child who has become an adult (and played by Dev Patel in the film) decides to go in search of his biological family. Thanks to Google Earth, he goes in search of his native village. In 2012, after five years of research, he finally found traces of his biological mother and his family, whom he had lost 25 years earlier. To bring the fiction even closer to reality, director Garth Davis witnessed the meeting between the real biological mother and the adoptive mother. The real Saroo Brierley also helped the preparation of the film, feeding the filmmaker anecdotes so that the feature film gains in authenticity.

film profile

It caused a sensation when it was released in theaters in February 2017. Lion is Garth Davis’ first feature film, retracing the moving story of Saroo, a 5-year-old child who finds himself lost on a train that takes him thousands of kilometers from India, his country of origin. Twenty years later, the child turned young man, who lived a happy childhood after being adopted by an Australian family, will set off again in search of his biological family. In the casting, we find Dev Patel (Slumdog Millionaire), but also Nicole Kidman, who plays Saroo’s adoptive mother. Rooney Mara plays Lucy, Saroo’s companion.

Synopsis – At 5 years old, Saroo finds himself in a train station in India. Guddu, his big brother whom he adores, leaves him on a bench telling him that he will be back in a few minutes. He won’t see him again. Now 25 years old, the young man now lives in Australia. He was adopted by loving parents, Sue and John. As his life gets off to a good start, he wonders what happened to his biological family. With Lucy, whom he fell in love with, he conducts his own research, using satellite photos as the only tool to find the village. His delicate investigation turns to obsession…

Lion is inspired by a true story. This initiatory journey is the adaptation of the novel written by the real Saroo Brierley, entitled I wanted to find my mother. The story of Saroo Brierley begins in 1986, in a disadvantaged neighborhood in India. Alone and idle after losing his brother, he then boarded a train, and woke up two days later in Calcutta, 1500 kilometers from his village. It was a passerby who discovered him on May 22, 1986 and who entrusted him to a local orphanage. Saroo Brierley is then adopted by an Australian family. Twenty years later, the child who has become an adult remains obsessed with his past. It was when he discovered Google Earth that he decided to go in search of his native village. In 2012, after five years of research, he finally found traces of his biological mother.
