The increase is primarily aimed at authorities

The government’s call to continue life as usual despite a heightened terror threat has been criticized for its inconsistency. But Minister of Justice Gunnar Strömmer believes that the message is primarily aimed at the authorities.
– It is for the citizens to live as normal a life as possible, he says.

The security police have raised the terror threat level in Sweden from 3 to 4 on the five-point scale. The increase means that Sweden has gone from being “a legitimate to a priority target” for actors within violent Islamist extremism. Despite this, the public is encouraged to continue life as usual.

Something like the terrorist researcher and the political scientist Magnus Norell questions.

– It’s strange that you have to live as usual and then you raise it to four. There is a contradiction here that cannot be reconciled. What you tell people is that it will be more dangerous but at the same time you tell them to live as usual but be careful, how then? You don’t get any answers to that, says Magnus Norell.


Swedes on the terror threat level: “I choose to live my life exactly as usual”

Aimed at authorities

The main message with the increase in the terrorist threat is primarily aimed at our authorities and social actors who have a responsibility for safety and security, explains Minister of Justice, Gunnar Strömmer.

– In a situation when the security situation has deteriorated, the Police, Security Police and other authorities with responsibility for safety and security must step forward and carry out even more intensive work so that citizens can live as normal a life as possible, Gunnar Strömmer tells TV4 Nyheterna .

– At the same time, none of us need to bury our heads in the sand. In the circumstances we are in, we can keep our eyes open. If you see something that deviates from the norm, you can report it to the Police or the Security Police, continues Strömmer, who urges the public to also be critical of the source.


This is how the event organizers work after the increased terror threat level

“In some cases, you may have to refrain from events”

On Friday, the Swedish Football Association announced that it will cancel the national team celebration in Kungsträdgården in Stockholm if Sweden takes bronze in the WC. This is due to the heightened security situation. Gröna Lund has also chosen to tighten security and strengthen its security routines.

Strömmer believes that individual events such as events can be affected within the framework of the authorities’ security work.

– This type of assessment must be made by each organizer and in cooperation with the police. Often it is about adapting security measures, but in some cases it may be necessary to postpone or refrain from events, says Strömmer.
