The incessant notifications of messages arriving in WhatsApp can become unbearable. To overcome this problem, it is possible to deactivate them globally in the application, but also in a particular conversation.

The incessant notifications of messages arriving in WhatsApp can become

The incessant notifications of messages arriving in WhatsApp can become unbearable. To overcome this problem, it is possible to deactivate them globally in the application, but also in a particular conversation.

Smartphone addiction has increased with social networks and instant messaging. Even when you’re not on your device, notifications remind you to order, especially if you participate in many groups. Permanent, even stressful, solicitations that affect serenity. Moreover, if you lend your phone, you may not want us to see the messages that arrive… Fortunately, there are solutions to limit these incessant alerts, especially in WhatsApp. Whatever your motivation, you can disable app notifications globally, temporarily or not, or just for a specific conversation. This will prevent a WhatsApp message from appearing on your locked screen and disturbing you when you want to be quiet – or discreet.

How to turn off notifications from a conversation in WhatsApp?

On both Android and iOS, WhatsApp has a feature to mute notifications from a conversation for a set amount of time or permanently – well, until you decide otherwise. Here are the steps to follow.

► Open your WhatsApp application.

► Open the conversation you want to mute.

► Press the three little dots at the very top right.

► A drop-down menu opens. Press on Silent mode notifications.


► A new window appears superimposed, entitled Silent notifications for… All you have to do is choose the duration: 8 hours, 1 week Where Still.


► A small icon with a speaker crossed out in gray now appears next to the conversation to indicate that notifications are disabled.


► To turn notifications back on, just tap again the three little dots and select Re-enable notifications.


How to turn off all WhatsApp notifications?

For a more drastic solution, just disable all WhatsApp notifications directly in your smartphone settings. Note that, on Android, the manipulations vary from one model to another, depending on the overlay of its manufacturer. But the principle remains the same on all brands.

► Open the Settings on your smartphone by tapping the cog icon.


► Press Notifications.


► Scroll down until you get to apps you’ve used recently. Press on Display all.


► The list of all your applications appears. Just press the button of the one you are interested in – in this case WhatsApp – to deactivate its notifications. The switch then goes to the deactivated position.


► To reactivate notifications, simply press this button again to switch it to the reactivated position.
