The impact of football on advertising: one in three Italians declares to be influenced by testimonials

The impact of football on advertising one in three Italians

(Finance) – It was presented to theauditorium of the IULM University of Milan the 2024 edition of Beyond Visual Attentionresearch promoted by Omnicom Media Group (OMG)in front of over 300 companies and managers in the media sector. This is the first study in Europe that combines machine learning, artificial intelligence and neuroscience to measure attention to advertising stimuli. The research was developed in collaboration with Ainem, Annalect, Ipsos and K2, and included: CAWI interviews with 4,000 Italians, behavioral analyses in domestic and public contexts, and neuroscientific studies on 120 subjects. In this edition, OMG involved the Serie A League to explore how and when attention to advertising is activated while watching football content.

The event was introduced by the rector of IULM, John Canovatogether with Mark Girelli (CEO of Omnicom Media Group) and Luigi DeServo (CEO of Lega Serie A). The discussion on the results was entrusted to experts such as Stephen Cervini (Annalect), Michael Ciccarese (Serie A League), Francesco Gallucci (Ain’t that right?) Nora Schmitz (Ipsos Italy) and Julian Gabriel Cortea (K2), with the contribution of journalists Simona Rolandi (RAI) and Richard Trevisani (Mediaset). Special guests, the champions Christian Vieri And Ciro Ferrara.

The passion for football in Italy, which It affects 69% of the adult population (about 34 million people), significantly influences consumer choices. According to a survey conducted by Annalect, 35% of respondents is influenced by football testimonials, while 34% by advertisements related to football content.

Thanks to technology Ipsos, visual attention was measured during the viewing of football matches and programmesThe most engaging games maintain ahigh visual attention both on content (69%) and on commercials (57%). If the match is less exciting, attention to the adverts drops to 32%. The older generation (Boomers) spends 72% of their time with their eyes on the screen, while Millennials and Gen Z, accustomed to multitasking, record a lower attention (53% and 57%). The football environment amplifies the spontaneous memory of the advertising messages, even when not being directly observed. Viewers are able to remember one in five overlay ads (such as during player substitutions) thanks to their peripheral vision.

The study highlights how advertising investments in football generate a significant growth across all key indicators of performance (KPI), including those related to consideration and recommendation. Football represents a distinctive element for Italians: 61% interact on social media about football topics, 57% seek insights and 32% participate in Fantasy Football. 31% practice football, while 18% play football video games.

(Photo: Emilio Garcia on Unsplash)
