the immigration law adopted by the Senate

the immigration law adopted by the Senate

After a week of sometimes virulent debates, the immigration law was finally largely adopted this Wednesday afternoon, November 14, by senators. The text has, however, been profoundly hardened by the right, the majority in the Upper House, and could be reworked during its examination in the National Assembly.

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This is also what the presidential camp wants. His boss in the Senate François Patriat even described the text adopted this afternoon as “ retrograde », reactionary, and pleaded for rebalancing work on the part of the deputies. But he assumes that his group voted in favor of the law, in the name of the government’s interest in succeeding in passing this text considered important.

This is not the only paradox of this afternoon: the National Rally, for example, voted against, despite several provisions added to the text, such as the abolition of state medical aid for people residing illegally, an old demand of the extreme right.

The left hardly weighed in on the debates during this last week and this was felt during the vote: 210 votes for and 115 against. But she has made an appointment at the Assembly where she will have to fight hard on the question of regularizations, land rights or the universality of social assistance.

The Minister of the Interior, Gérald Darmanin, will therefore have to maneuver carefully to avoid a government force. “Good luck to him,” said ironically the boss of the centrist senators, Hervé Marseille, as he left the chamber.

Read alsoImmigration law: the Senate tightens the “regularizations” section of the government
