the immigration bill wants to promote jobs in tension

the immigration bill wants to promote jobs in tension

Integration of foreigners, respect for French laws, easier access to work in sectors in tension: these are the three pillars of the immigration bill that the government intends to vote in Parliament in early 2023, with the help of the Republicans.

The final version of the immigration bill was unveiled on Wednesday 21 December. The French government sent it, Monday, December 19, 2022, to the Council of State. As expected, the text provides for facilitating the expulsion of foreigners in an irregular situation, in particular those who pose a threat to public order. At the same time, the government intends to introduce new residence permits, particularly for foreign doctors.

The executive wants to create a residence card for so-called shortage occupations. Valid for one year, it would concern any undocumented foreigner who has lived in France for at least three years, who can provide 8 pay slips over the last 24 months and who works well in a sector where there is a lack of manpower. Insee published in November a list of 30 tense professions, which include activities related to the building, but also the professions of home assistant, butcher, plumber and real estate agent.

A residence permit for healthcare professionals and their families

This bill notably provides for the creation of a residence permit for health professionals. Doctors, midwives, dental surgeons and pharmacists, as well as their families, could reside in France from one to four years, provided they have been recruited by a public or private non-profit health establishment.

Today, under the Valls circular, undocumented migrants can already be regularized if they work, but their employer must agree to launch the process and it is the prefectures that have the last word. With this new law, the worker in an irregular situation would no longer be subject to the goodwill of each other. The persons concerned must also have validated tests to verify their knowledge. Finally, the Regional Health Agency will have to give its agreement.

Among the other proposals are a strengthening of border controls and the means to promote the mastery of the French language by foreigners wishing to stay in the country.

► To listen also: Guest of the Morning – Philippe Gosselin: “Regularizing foreign workers in sectors in tension, a common sense that must be objectified”
