The images created a sensation! Harsh reaction from Hüseyin Yayman to TikTok: We warned you before! Unacceptable

The images created a sensation Harsh reaction from Huseyin Yayman

The Google team came to the Digital Media Commission in the Turkish Grand National Assembly in full force. The statements of Digital Media Commission President Hüseyin Yayman drew attention at the critical meeting where the copyright law on the agenda was discussed.

Yayman, who criticized the social media platform TikTok, reminded the images shared by a young woman of the moments when she kissed lip to lip with her child cousin.

Yayman used the following expressions;

“We have hosted TikTok here before and warned it. TikTok continues to allow its name to be associated with scandals! It is unacceptable for him to engage in behavior that I cannot explain here to his 5-year-old nephew just for the sake of getting interaction. This caused outrage in the society. After this post, that person’s defense added a new dimension to the scandal.” “he added.”



A young woman who shared a video on the social networking site TikTok of her kissing her child cousin on the lips has drawn criticism, with the images being described as child abuse.

In her defense, the arrested young woman said: “My cousin and we love each other by kissing and smelling each other. The child kisses me, loves me, licks me. He does this to me in front of his mother, father and everyone else, and abuse is written for interaction just to get likes and to have your lynching video watched. I swear to God, I feel sorry for you, share as much as you want.” ” he said.

