The image of a Rolling Stones concert recycled by Donald Trump’s supporters

The image of a Rolling Stones concert recycled by Donald

In the United States, the electoral campaign continues in the run-up to the presidential election in November. This weekend, Donald Trump gathered his supporters for a large rally in the seaside resort of Wildwood, New Jersey. It was one of the Republican candidate’s first political rallies since his trial began. The Trump camp expected more than 40,000 people. On social networks, these supporters did not hesitate to inflate the figures, by diverting images.

4 mins

The photo is impressive! A huge crowd gathered in front of a stage set up by the sea. On the X account (formerly Twitter) of Roger Stone, a powerful American conservative lobbyist, this comment: “ New Jersey is in play for Donald Trump. Could Joe Biden attract such a crowd? » Same Tone on an account close to the American extreme right, which wonders if Biden “ could do the same ». On these two accounts alone, the image has been viewed nearly 1.5 million times.

Copacabana, not New Jersey

After checking, we see that this photo has been taken out of context. Several elements can put us on the track. No red caps in Republican colors, no American flags, and above all a natural setting that has nothing to do with New Jersey. Quite quickly, contributors warned against manipulation. The scene would have been filmed on the beach in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, during a concert and not in Wildwood, during the Trump rally.

Please note, this image taken up by several X accounts from the American extreme right does not show Donald Trump's meeting in New Jersey.

A giant concert, not a meeting

Verification work by comparing images, carried out by RFI, makes it possible to precisely date and geolocate the scene.

The photo from the pro-Trump posts allows us to note some characteristic elements including the stage, an esplanade, the marquees, and red and white balloons.

We find exactly the same elements in a photo taken the same day and published in 2006 by AFP.

It dates back precisely to February 18, 2006. The AFP archives attest to this. This is an image from the giant Rolling Stones concert in Rio.

The data concerning the photo reveals the date, place and nature of the event photographed in 2006.

At the time, 1.5 million fans attended, far more than Trump’s rally last weekend. This is clearly fake news pushed by the former president’s political entourage.

In this image taken during the Rolling Stones concert, we find the remarkable points mentioned above.  Balloons, and white structures.

Images of the Wildwood gathering are available on social media and make the comparison easy. The recipe is the same as eight years ago, when Donald Trump was elected: patriotic tunes, conspiratorial messages and red caps…
